The Uniform Institute


My collection entitled “The Uniform Institute” takes a look at both the symbolic and literal impact uniforms have on people and societies and examines their influence on design. Uniforms provide a clear and strict set of rules for their wearers, which then offers and arguably promotes a space for rebellion to occur. As military wear is the earliest artefact of uniform, I deconstructed pre-existing clothes, most of which were authentic military uniforms to create a small investigative collection of fashion pieces using the lens of Jacque Derrida’s Deconstructive theory. By deconstructing garments both on a theoretical and literal level, I flip the original meaning and purpose of the uniform on its head: from one of sameness to one of an individual. This deconstruction is shown through two levels- manipulation and semiotic transgression/change. Visually, this is shown through the physical breaking and re-making of the garments. Showing pieces that are progressively more distressed and unique as they are revealed demonstrates the tension and dependency between two ends of the same coin. Overall, this exemplifies the binary contradictions that can exist in institutions such as the belief in achieving peace through extreme violence. The three looks I created are inspired by the foot-soldier, the sailor, and the ghillie suit.
