Fall of Doll



“Fall of Doll” is a five-look collection that seeks to unravel the performance of femininity.

Through the exploration of a tender, blistered, and congealed hyper-femininity, the discrepancies between the internal surveying of the self and the external performance of identity are studied. The ineffable narratives of Joan of Arc are patched together and integrated as a case study to uncover how her most ‘noble’ characteristics were contradicted, venerated, ridiculed or dismissed altogether. In analyzing her malleable likeness I seek to understand how the impressions of disgust and gender imprint upon a ‘fragmented’ femininity. My work lives in the overlap of two very opposing worlds. Understanding how those spaces contextualize and inform each other has been paramount to materializing this collection. Through the crafting of pieces that aim to hyperbolize, immortalize, shroud, and/or protect, I explore how dualistic performances of gender, identity, and value can exist in tangible material forms.